For the fifth time, the Ministry for Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection presents a report on the state of the environment in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Bericht der Task Force „Mobilfunkausbau und 5G“ für das Jahr 2021
Im November 2020 haben Landesregierung, kommunale Spitzenverbände und Mo-bilfunknetzbetreiber die Task Force „Mobilfunkausbau und 5G“ gegründet, um den Herausforderungen, die beim Mobilfunkausbau zum Beispiel bei der Standortsuche bestehen, gemeinsam zu begegnen. Das mit dem Bericht vorliegende erste Fazit stellt Fortschritte und Best Practice-Beispiele vor.
With the hydrogen roadmap presented here, North Rhine-Westphalia shows that achieving the Paris climate action targets and strengthening the economic and industrial location can go hand in hand. A quarter of the current CO2 emissions in North Rhine-Westphalia can be saved by hydrogen alone.
Numerous studies show that hydrogen plays a key part in an economically cost-efficient and climate-neutral energy system. Depending on the scenario, the bandwidths range from 250 to 800 terawatt hours (TWh) of hydrogen demand per year in Germany. Hydrogen is essential for many processes in energy-intensive industry. Hydrogen is also expected to be needed in the mobility sector, for example in buses or trucks, and in the energy sector, for example in gas turbines. Large quantities of hydrogen are primarily required for our energy-intensive industry.
Anlage 1 zu Wohnungsnotfallhilfen vorausschauend planen und präventiv handeln.
Diagnostik und Planung, Übergangsmanagement und Integration